Studio Glass

Perspectives on Art Datis: Sven Dupre’
I am Professor of History of Art, Science and Technology at Utrecht University (affiliated with the History & Art History Department) and at the University of Amsterdam (affiliated with the Conservation & Restoration Program). Previously I was Professor of History of Knowledge at the Freie Universität and Director of the Research Group ‘Art and Knowledge…
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Perspectives on Art Datis: Evangelos Kanoulas
I am a professor of computer science at the University of Amsterdam, leading the Information Retrieval Labat the Informatics Institute. My research focuses on developing evaluation methods and algorithms for search and recommendation and has been published at top conferences and venues. I hold a MSc. (2004) and a PhD. (2010) degree in Computer Science…
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Perspectives on Art Datis: Marieke Hendriksen
I am a historian of science, art, and knowledge with a strong interest in of the role of material culture and sensory perception in the production and circulation of knowledge. After stints as a postdoc, lecturer, and research fellow in London, Groningen, Berlin, Utrecht, Edinburgh, and Philadelphia I now work as senior researcher at NL-Lab,…
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The Large Glass Department Experimenting with Glass Recipes included in the Sybren Valkema Archive
In collaboration with the Sybren Valkema Archive, the Large Glass Department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie began a project to apply the vast collection of records in the archive to a studio setting where the collated technical knowledge could become accessible and practically applied. The first delve into the archive consulted Rezeptbuch für die praktische Glasschmelze and…
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GAS Honorary Lifetime Membership Award for Durk Valkema
Op 17 mei 2018 heeft Durk Valkema, voorzitter van de Stichting Vrij Glas en project partner in Art DATIS, tijdens de jaarlijkse conferentie van de internationale glaskunstvereniging op Murano (IT) de GAS Honorary Lifetime Membership Award for Outstanding Service to the Glass Art Society in ontvangst genomen. Een interview met Durk Valkema over zijn werk…
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